Monday Carlsbad Small Group
The Carlsbad Small Group began a new study on Ephesians September 16th at 10:30am at the Stewart’s home. We meet the first and third Mondays each month. If you would like to join us, please email Trish at Patricia.stewart417@gmail.com.

At Grace Anglican Church in Oceanside, we are a community of people being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ, and we are seeking to lead all people to the transforming ocean of God's grace! Whatever brings you to church, we hope that you will experience the presence and love of God through worship with our church family.

Make sure to stop by our greeter table and pick up a name tag. An usher will greet you at the door and hand you a worship booklet. Everything you need to follow along with the service is in the booklet. Worship in the Anglican Church is participatory, and we invite you to join us to whatever level you are comfortable.